Many doubt the mighty,
Suspecting those above
And all authority,
Not knowing perfect love.
Hearts reject submission
For fear of dire abuse,
But, without direction,
Who decides might’s right use?
Eternally unchanged,
God is undiminished.
Only to we, estranged,
Justice appears vanished.
But right and might are wed
In heaven’s gracious reign.
Friday declared them dead;
Sunday they live again.
What seemed empty dreaming,
We now see always stood.
Power, not corrupting,
But wielded all for good.
So, we are confronted:
“Surrender to this word!”
Our pride is affronted
That Jesus Christ is … LORD!
Of all or not at all,
In everything or none.
All middle ground will fall,
Before God’s well-loved Son.
Servant once, servant still
Yet over all enthroned.
By providence’s will
For good all things are honed.
Good not just in God’s tome
But written now within
In faith-filled hearts at home
Spirit-filled, dead to sin.
Over all emotions
Pursuits, plans and passions
Through the body’s motions,
Ideas, words and actions.
Not forcing or driving
Though mighty beyond measure,
But wooing and leading
Into his own pleasure.
God within and above
Until faith turns to sight
May I grow into love
Thus may my might be right.